Friday, 3 January 2014


The intended meaning of the final product
  The intended meaning of my final product was to create my own branded jewellery advertisement, with the use of elegant and eye-catching jewellery. By capturing the jewellery in this way it would allow me to attract the stereotypical audience of women, whom are young adults to middle aged women in the middle class social economic scale. This type of audience would mean my jewellery would be purchased by these women, as with the elegant poses and decorous jewellery which would attract my target audience.
  Furthermore, I feel the use of typography in my final product worked really well in order to fit with the target audience. The slim and aesthetic font used is perfect in order to fit with the aesthetic target audience. Also, the use of the pastel colours being a light pink, off-white and black I feel work with each other in order to stand out to the audience but not so much that this would cause foregrounding of the text from the jewellery and the model. 

Has this come across well? 
  Yes, I feel that my product has reached my intended meaning and my image has captured elegance in order to catch the eye of my target audience. With the use of a young pretty women in my advertisement, I have allowed my audience to become attracted to the advertisement because of the attractive women who wears the jewellery. By doing this, my audience will get a sense that if they wear this jewellery they will achieve this elegant and glamours look. Although, I feel my model is not over glamorous, to the point where my jewellery would look affordable to the lower class. Despite my target audience being the middle class, I still want lower classes to look at my advertisement and feel the same and not feel pushed out of the picture as if they cannot look like this.
  Overall, I feel my final product has successfully reached the intended meaning and has done so well. I am happy with my final product, although slight adjustments could of been made I feel my overall product is very satisfying. 

Does the finished product suit the target audience?
  I think my finished product does suit my target audience, as with the elegant look it gives off it allows the audience to see the sparkle and the glamour of which my jewellery holds. Although, I feel that audiences outside of my target audience will also feel happy with the final product and may in fact want to also purchase my product. As without being over the top with the elegance, I feel that my advertisement could been seen as neutral because of the pastel colours used which allow a simplistic expression without implying expense.

How well have you followed your brief?
  I feel that I have completely followed my brief of my advertisement, as I have kept to the decision of creating my own brand of jewellery in order to create a unique style to the advertisement which has worked very well in order for me to match up my advertisement with a target audience. Also, I feel that I thoroughly kept to the order of my advertisement as to have a plain background which would make my model stand out, yet not so much that the jewellery would not. I gained this look my making the model stand out from the background in the photo shoot, yet I then manipulated the jewellery on Photo Shop in order to make the jewellery stand out even more than the model did so. By doing this it allowed me to stick to my brief, which I kept reading back out throughout the photo shoot and the manipulation of my images. 

Are you happy with the final product? (Strengths, areas to improve on)
  Yes, I am thoroughly happy with my final product as I feel it meets all the needs and follows the brief I created just right in order to create the best possible outcome I could. Although, I feel the manipulation work I fulfilled in Photoshop could of been better in order to create a whiter background, which would of created more standing out in the photo like I explored in my brief. Apart from that, I feel like my advertisement has the best possible outcome it could of had and I am happy with my final product.