Choice of colours
To match the theme of my simple typography, I have decided that I will also have a simple colour palette on my advert. I think these simplistic features will add the advert, without taking away the focus of the jewellery and model which will also feature on my advert. When looking at existing products, I have seen that these simple colours have worked effectively within the advertisement and so have pursued me to use the same shades etc.
I feel that the best colours I could use would be pastel colours, as they are very fashionable at the moment and with having these on my advertisement which include fashion photography, will work very well together. Here are some of the pastel colours I have found, which I may like to include in my advertisement.
I feel that the best colours I could use would be pastel colours, as they are very fashionable at the moment and with having these on my advertisement which include fashion photography, will work very well together. Here are some of the pastel colours I have found, which I may like to include in my advertisement.
These colours will work well if I need a background to my image, or if I have to Photoshop in a certain background. However, I don’t think these colours will work well when coming to the typography of my work, as this font will need to stand out and these colours won’t stand out well enough on my advert, as they will obviously not taking the focus of the image but I want them to at least add to the advert. And so, I decided to take another look at some existing products and see what shades they use for the typography in their adverts. By doing this, I then looked for similar colours myself with reference to the existing products I had looked at. This helped me as to realise what will add to my advert, without taking the focus of the products and model. Here are some colours I may use for the typography in my advert.
I feel these colours will work better in order to add to my advertisement, without taking away the obvious focus on the model and jewellery. I have added the black into my second colour palette, although I don’t think I will use this colour in my advertisement as it is too harsh for the typography which I want to look smooth and fit around the model etc. I feel if I use a lighter shade, e.g. grey, I will get the best look for adding to the advertisement. Also, a lighter shade will not look as harsh on the advertisement, making it easier to look at and realise what the product is and therefore making the customer want to buy the product.
Furthermore,after looking deeper into the colours used in jewellery and fashion advertising for women, these are the colours which are most frequently used. I feel with the mixture of pastel colours and the dark shades this will create an evenness to n advertisement. However, it may be that I just use the darker shades as not to add a false background on Photoshop which I hope is the case. I think for the colours of my typography I will use a white or a grey colour or depending on my final image I may use a pastel green or pink.
Furthermore,after looking deeper into the colours used in jewellery and fashion advertising for women, these are the colours which are most frequently used. I feel with the mixture of pastel colours and the dark shades this will create an evenness to n advertisement. However, it may be that I just use the darker shades as not to add a false background on Photoshop which I hope is the case. I think for the colours of my typography I will use a white or a grey colour or depending on my final image I may use a pastel green or pink.
Use of imagery
In existing jewellery advertisements, there is a lot of close up images used as this is to make sure the jewellery can be seen. This is obvious in this type of advertising, because the close up needs get close small detail of the jewellery in order to sell the product. This is why I want to use a close up for advertisement, of which will include the head and shoulders of a women model which will be wearing the jewellery of my brand (which I have yet to choose). These close up will allow the audience to see the jewellery, which is the main subject of my advert. By this being a close up, the fine detail of the jewellery will stand out most to the audience, making them notice this subject of which is the reasoning for my advertisement Here are some examples of close ups, which I would like m advert to be influenced by:
The message delivered
With my advertisement having the stereotypical audience of women, with my main target audience being middle class young adults to middle aged women, because of the women's jewellery being the main subject. I also want my advertisement to appeal to the male gender. I feel I can do this be creating my model with this 'sexy' and 'perfect' look, by positioning her in the right angles etc. in order for her body or parts of her body stand out to the audience. By doing, it will deliver an aspect of interest from the men as this sexy look of my women model will be eye catching to them. Furthermore, by getting my model to have this sexy and almost perfect look, it will persuade my audience of women more to buying this product. This is because when the audience look at the product, they think that if they wear this type of jewellery they can look like the model (who will obviously be beautiful in their eyes). By doing this, the product will get more audience and more sales.
What processes will the advert require?
- Airbrushing- When I have taken my final image, which I am happy with for my advert, I will then have to airbrush the image in order to get the skin and hair, etc of the models in a perfect way as though to create this sexy and perfect image. I will use the spot healing brush, and the cloning stamp in order to fix blemishes and 'bad parts' of the image which will affect the overall advertisement.
- Dodging and burning- In order to make the brand of jewellery stand out, I will use the dodge/burn tool to highlight areas which will benefit from such a tool, in order to make it stand out to the audience. By doing this, when the audience first look at my advertisement, I hope the first thing they notice is the jewellery.