Friday, 11 October 2013

Typography tasks

  After learning about Typography and what it consists of, I was set different tasks as to look into Typography and learn how it shapes an advertisement. The tasks I was set was to put the text back into two advertisements,after my tutor had removed these texts. By doing this task, it would help us realise our capability of using typography in the right way in advertisement, as we would be able to see our example of a try compared to the real thing. 


  In the first task we were asked to put the text back into the advertisement on the right, as it had been removed by out tutor. We were not aloud to look up the original advertisement and had to put the text of 'Move over Naomi, theres a new Diva in town I'm the worlds most pampered bar. Now in three new flavours'. When looking at the advert with no text, I came up with some initial ideas that my font should by in the colour of white to match the packaging of the chocolate. I also got from the packaging, that the font I should use should be a script font as to be fancy with swirls etc. And so I entered my text in this font and in the colours I believed would be suitable. I then had to decide where the text would go, which I decided that the 'Move over Naomi, theres a new diva in town' should be the title of the advert as it states what the advert is about. However, when placing the text there I found that it looked 'too much' all together on one line and therefore I would move the 'theres a new diva in town' down a line, so that it would be underneath the 'Move over Naomi'. I then decided that the top line of text would look better bolder, as to make it stand out to the audience, which is like what is on the original advert. Also, the placement of my text on the avert is pretty much the same as the original, which made me proud to see that I had set this out 'right'. Furthermore, I decided that the 'Im the world's most pampered bar' should be around the chocolate bar, as to imply that the chocolate is almost saying this to the audience. However, this was wrong as it was placed at the bottom with the 'Now in three new flavours' on the original. Yet, I placed the final wordings in the right place, as I felt that was just additional information for the viewer, and so it did not need to be as bold and 'in your face' as the top letters of writing. 

  After completing this task, we were then given another advertisement where the text was again removed from the image. I found this task more challenging, as there was a lot more colours and more space to choose from in this next image. 


  In this task, I took much more time to look at the image and figure out where the text would best fit before I started any work on it. After taking this time, I decided that the writing of 'Here to save the peckish' would look best at the bottom of the advert, as it would stand out more than in the sky. I placed the text here, and used the font Century Gothic as a guess of what the font would of been in the original advert. As well as coloring the font white which stood out, more than any other of the colours I tried, off the green of the grass. Moving on to the next piece of text which was 'nothing but fruit' I decided that this text would not be white as it mentioned fruit and fruit is colourful. This then made me look back at the image to realize that the most frequent colour used in the image is red, and so I used the colour red to colour my 'nothing but fruit' font. Despite feeling happy with what I had come up with, I then had to find a place to put this red text. I looked into the image further, and realizing that it has a superhero theme I thought the text would look good on a slant in the middle of the image, near the 'superhero' bottle of innocent. I rotated my text on a slant, and placed it in this particular spot where I felt it looked good, however the font of text didn't look 'right'. And so I changed the Century Gothic, which made the text fit in around this bottle. Then, I got to compare my typography to the original typography, which was practically all the same apart from the just the placement and font of the 'nothing but fruit', despite that all the colours and the other font was spot on! 

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